Poetry - A sobering experience

The poem didn't live up to its title and refrain of, 'Nobody messes with me'. Predictably, the daughter was not even shortlisted for the recitation in the school assembly.

Predictably, because, the poem was not predictable. Schools, like Sir Ken Robinson pointed out in this TED talks clip, are geared to kill creativity. I particularly liked Sir Ken's suggestion that schools should not only reward literacy but also reward creativity. 

No wonder the kids in the class stared.

Yes. The poem was not politically correct. It was too close to real life for comfort. Without consciously trying to, I had made a political comment: Doesn't matter if you hate studies, if your grades are awful, if you are a grubby example of indiscipline: If you are related to those in power, 'Nobody messes with you'.


  1. I guess they simply missed the satire, Deven.


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